What Do Students Say

What Do Students Say:


I have been learning the Croatian language now with the help of Nikolina‘s lessons, which were excellent throughout all aspects.

Nikolina first of all, has the absolutely highest level of qualifications and experience for teaching the language, which can be certainly felt throughout the lessons.

Secondly, at her the student is always the centered point of attention as a lesson takes place (which turned out problematically in the past with other teachers in Croatia), so most importantly: you get to speak a lot.

Thirdly, the content be incredibly-personally tailored to one’s individual needs, there is no feeling of classical rigidity, so I would even claim: learning languages with her is fun.

Lastly, the prices for lessons are more than reasonable such.

All in all, I can recommend taking lessons from Nikolina 10/10.

Puno pozdrava 😀😀😀 iz Nizozemske! Greetings from Holland.

Marco from Holland


Nikolina adjusted the lessons to my needs without any problems. She is open, calm and nice.

Everything she teaches has a practical purpose in everyday life.

I can wholeheartedly recommend this collaboration.

Ewa from Poland


Nikolina was my Croatian language teacher for 3 years; she is very organized, disciplined and effective, thanks to her I acquired fluency in spoken Croatian and proficiency in writing. She is very dedicated and gets results! I highly recommend Nikolina as Croatian language instructor.

Dorota from Poland


Nikolina helped me to understand grammar of Croatian and widen my vocabulary of the language. Now, I feel freer when communicating with natives. Nikolina introduced me to some facts from the history of the country, customs and traditions of its people, local foods and drinks, some other Croatian realia. Often Nikolina used gaming interactive exercises, and that was real fun! Thanks to Nikolina, in four months, I advanced in learning from A1 to B1 level. She is a real teacher of Croatian!

Vladislav from Ukraine


My daughter and I enjoyed our Croatian lessons with you. Learning the proper grammar and games was of importance also. A big thank you for being so kind and patient with us.

Liliana from Canada


Trouver un professeur de croate francophone est difficile ! Je remercie Nikolina pour ses cours très bien structurés ainsi que pour sa pédagogie et sa gentillesse. Je recommande ma professeur à toutes les personnes francophone souhaitant apprendre le croate.

Damien de France


Jako sam sretna da sam naišla na Nikolinin kontakt i započela učiti francuski uz njenu pomoć. Francuski mi se uvijek činio jako težak, no uz Nikolinu sam u zadnjih godinu dana uistinu puno naučila i puno važnije osjećam se slobodnije pričati francuski kad sam u prilici budući da Nikolina uistinu tijekom sata osigurava prilike da vježbam, odnosno pričam.

Moje je iskustvo da je Nikolina uistinu kvalificirana i iskusna u podučavanju jezika i nastoji da učini učenje zabavnim, a ujedno nastoji da kroz to naučim zbilja ono sto će mi biti korisno i potrebno. I u svemu tome je vrlo organizirana i uistinu vrlo dobro isplanira svaki sat.

Uz to, kao osoba Nikolina je vrlo ugodna i simpatična.

Svakako bih je preporučila i svakako ću nastaviti i dalje učiti francuski s njom.

Sandra iz Hrvatske


Nikolina is well qualified both linguistically and culturally to teach a range of language skills, including Croatian for business, conversational French, and English for lawyers. She is skilled at creating original material tailored to the needs of her students. A gifted and popular teacher, she is particularly appreciated for her dedication and her emphatic approach.



Je suis extrêment satisfaite de l’enseignement dispensé par Mme Nikolina Korecic, qui s’investit énormément dans ses cours. C’est une enseignante très compétente, très dynamique, et dont l’enthousiasme est communicatif.

Elle prépare ses cours avec beaucoup de soin, et ne se contente pas du matériel pédagogique contenu dans les manuels utilisés, mais fournit de nombreuses autres ressources en ligne et des activités supplémentaires.

Elle est toujours disponible, même en dehors des cours, pour répondre aux questions et corriger les exercises écrits. Grâce à elle, j’ai pu faire du grands progrès dans l’apprentissage de cette langue difficile, dont j’aurai besoin dans ma vie professionnelle.



Madame Korecic assure les cours avec une grande compétence, parvenant régulièrement à remotiver ses élèves lorsque la fatigue inhérente à l’intensité des cours elle leur caractère virtuel se fait sentir. Elle y met beaucoup d’enthousiasme, fait preuve d’iniative en proposant des activités complémentaires au programme officiel pour varier des exercises et nous faire découvrir la Croatie et sa culture, et se montre aussi d’une grande disponibilité puisqu’elle est toujours prête à corriger les exercices écrits qu’elle invite ses élèves à lui envoyer par email.



Ms Korecic is very reliable and commited to her teaching. She teaches with great enthousiasm, puts a lot of time and effort into preparing her lessons, and is always available for queries outside lesson times. She has also successfully adapted her teaching methods to the online environment.